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But What Is It? 电网使现代生活成为可能,但它也阻碍了我们的发展. Energy 我们今天做出的能源选择可能617888九五至尊娱乐或破坏我们对抗617888九五至尊娱乐变化的能力. Learn more about Energy Renewable Energy Nuclear Power Fossil Fuels Solutions 要求国会投资清洁能源的未来. Send Letter Transportation Report Cleaner Cars Cleaner Air 驾驶老式的汽油和柴油汽车会使人们暴露在大量有害的空气污染中. Transportation 我们的交通运输系统已经过时,而且支离破碎——它需要改变. Learn more about Transportation Technologies Oil Solutions Push for strong clean vehicle standards. Send Letter Food Report Lost Inheritance 除非继承人财产的法律问题得到解决, 黑人农民将继续失去他们的土地. Food and Farms 美国的食品体系应该为每个人提供健康、可持续的食物. Why isn’t it? Learn more about Food Sustainable Agriculture Healthy Food Food Justice Solutions 现在就行动起来,保护以617888九五至尊娱乐为重点的农场投资. Send Letter Nuclear Weapons Blog Series Understanding Oppenheimer 对奥本海默电影和它所审视的核武器问题的批判性分析. Nuclear Weapons 它们是世界上最危险的发明. 我们能防止它们再次被使用吗? Learn more about Nuclear Weapons Justice Worldwide Missile Defense Solutions 敦促各国领导人优先考虑核军备控制和外交. Send Letter Science & Democracy Report Invisible Threat, Inequitable Impact 环氧乙烷对附近的社区造成了很大程度上看不见和未被认识到的威胁. Science and Democracy 517888九五至尊娱乐和617888九五至尊娱乐可以成为公共利益的有力伙伴——但两者都受到了攻击. Learn more about Science & Democracy Independent Science Evidence-Based Decisions A Healthier Democracy 帮助加强联邦机构的617888九五至尊娱乐诚信. Take Action Take Action Donate Donate + Donate now Renew Become a member Give monthly Gift memberships Gifts in honor & memory More ways to give 88% of funds go directly to programs Menu Close× Main Menu Climate toggle Impacts Science Accountability Solutions Energy toggle Renewable Energy Nuclear Power Fossil Fuels Solutions Transportation toggle Technologies Oil Solutions Food toggle Sustainable Agriculture Healthy Food Food Justice Solutions Nuclear Weapons toggle Justice Worldwide Missile Defense Solutions Science & Democracy toggle Independent Science Evidence-Based Decisions A Healthier Democracy Utility Menu About toggle Accomplishments Funding & Financials Mission & Values Ways to Give History Regional Work Programs People Racial Equity Jobs Media Center Take Action toggle Climate Accountability Climate Campaign for the Future Power Ahead Transforming Transportation Preventing Nuclear War Healthy Food and Farms A Healthier Democracy Science Forward Science for Environmental Justice Science Network toggle Be a Science Advocate Build Skills Connect Reports & Multimedia Solicitation Disclosures 某些州要求非营利组织在募集捐款时书面披露信息. Individual state disclosures are below. Florida: 通过拨打免费电话,可以从消费者服务部获得官方注册和财务信息的副本, WITHIN THE STATE, 1-800-435-7352 (800-HELP-FLA), OR VISITING 注册并不意味着国家的认可、批准或推荐. Florida Registration #CH3090 Georgia: 我们的项目和我们的财务报表摘要的全面和公平的描述,可在我们的办公室和电话号码所示的要求 our contact page. Maryland: For the cost of copies and postage, 国务卿办公室的人, State House, Annapolis, MD 21401. Mississippi: 忧思617888九五至尊娱乐家联盟的正式注册和财务信息. 可致电1-888-236-6167向密西西比州州务卿办公室索取. 国务秘书的登记并不意味着认可. Nevada: 出资可以根据sec的规定扣除税款. 《517888九五至尊娱乐》第170(c)条.S.C. ¤170(c). New Jersey: 向司法部长提交的有关此慈善募捐的信息以及慈善机构在上一个报告期间收到的用于慈善目的的捐款的百分比,可致电(973)504-6215从新泽西州司法部长处获得,并可在互联网上查阅 在司法部长处注册并不意味着得到认可. 纽约:应总检察长慈善局的要求,纽约百老汇120号,NY 10271. North Carolina: 有关该组织的财务信息及其许可证副本可从国家招标许可部门获得,电话1-919-814-5400. 这个执照不是国家的认可. Pennsylvania: 忧思617888九五至尊娱乐家联盟的正式注册和财务信息. 可以通过拨打免费电话从宾夕法尼亚州国务院获得, within Pennsylvania, 1-800-732-0999. Virginia: 来自农业和消费者事务部的国家消费者事务办公室,P.O. Box 1163, Richmond, VA 23218. 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